that's right - if 3 or more members of jury in a murder trial were opposed to the death penalty they would not find the defendant guilty - he/she would get off scot free.
Exactly . The Death Penalty has no place in a civilised society , it just makes us as bad as them imo choose how evil the criminal or crime .
I don’t agree with abolition. I know that mistakes have been made (Timothy Evans in the Rillington Place murders for example) but done properly it’s the right thing to do. People should be given deferred death sentences where it is warranted and then an American style wait on death row. If no new evidence is found after 10-20 years then off you go to the Hanging Shed. Pure evil deserves NO mercy.
It costs more to execute a prisoner in America than it does to keep them in prison for life. What makes the planned execution of a prisoner in cold blood any different to the murder of an innocent person in cold blood?
Absolutely. 20 hours a day stuck in a small room preferably with a very unlikeable cell mate. And knowing this is it until his big day with his maker.
Appeals. More appeals. Extra appeals. They also get kept on death row with more guards, suicide watch, etc which costs more than keeping them in gen pop. Lots of $$$ in it for lawyers defending those facing death penalties, but not so much on those appealing against life imprisonment.
“ America “That’s a great role model to have for capital punishment . The Americans are still releasing innocent people at last minute reprieves from death row whilst still executing countless others on dubious evidence such as a cell mate told them they’d confessed to them , enabling the cell mate to get a lighter sentence and probably another alleged callous murderer . Many of these prisoners are appointed representatives who are inundated with cases and bogged down paperwork etc making it very difficult for them to represent their client in full . Most of the poorest people don’t get the help they deserve choose how much the state says it does . Tomothy Evans was one of many before and after to have doubts surrounding their case as are many prisoners released to this day who are being released with apologies . These people’s deaths should not be the price just to hang someone who would be locked up for life anyway . And excuses from books thousands of years old that contradicts itself line after line page after page eg an eye for an eye and turn the other cheek should be binned .
And you know this ? The Yorkshire Ripper has been attacked countless times making him almost blind at one point . He’s attempted suicide . He refused to be treated for a life threatening disease because he wanted to die and in agony. doesn’t sound like someone that’s comfortable to me but I eagerly await your evidence to the contrary.
I know someone who worked at Broadmoor in the 90's and early 2000's, and he say's there was nothing comfy about his time there(or anyones for that matter). I can't speak for his time in Durham though.
What is the difference between murder - a premeditated killing (by definition) - and an execution - a premeditated killing? The only difference is the person carrying out the act. If you did a psychological profile of Pierrepoint (or any other executioner), most would have been described as psychopaths or sociopaths.
There's no justification for the death penalty. Studies show it's more expensive, it doesn't work as a deterrent, and at some point you're going to kill innocent people. It's a cold blooded, barbaric act of vengeance by the state on one of its population and has no place in modern society.
I always wonder how many people have been executed because of things they have done that are caused by mental illness. We know a hell of a lot more about how the mind works(and breaks) these days, and I can imagine countless people have been both murdered by someone with a treatable mental illness(who's crimes could have been avoided all together with the right treatment), or have been labelled "evil" and executed despite their actions being caused by a treatable condition. n.b. I'm not saying every murder is the product of mental health problems, but there will be some that are...
These people should be made to give back to society, make them human guinea pigs. Give them diseases then test new drugs on them etc. A good deterrent as well if you know whats coming to you if you commit these crimes.