I'd recommend to anyone to switch to a meter and then just be aware of the water you actually use. Everyone will be shifted to them eventually but all the people I know have significantly saved from their previously fixed bill. Ours came down from around £57 a month to £18. We are really mindful of what we consume in most areas, and given the likely increased scarcity of water as the climate heats, it's not a bad habit to get into.
You could definitely sup a cuppa tea at BBM, only person I know who’s Sports Direct mug wasn’t big enough
Liked mi tea jud lol. one of my favorite sayings, was, "carnt eyt bart tia" The buggers stuck it tut table one day so I couldn't empty kettle first. . Then they smashed the bloody thing with an hammer as I was trying to remove it. two hats.
Just seen the CE on the news. An apologist if I ever heard one. Fined for spewing sewage into the rivers for on average 7hrs a day. But given it back to make improvements. You couldn't make it up.
I live in a one bedroom flat and have a water meter. I go to the spa every day and have a shower there. I pay about £150 a year, so it doesn't really affect me much. Unfortunately privatisation has been a total disaster, but there is no way the government will renationalise, unless a company goes bust.
It's nice to hear that Yorkshire water customers have been fined due to Yorkshire water dumping **** in rivers. Om behalf of my entire street I apologise for the actions of Yorkshire water's millionaire directors and accept my fine
Just got my bill today how the hell can they justify a nearly 30% increase when the CE is on more than a million a year plus nearly 200k per director
Because ofwat have fined Yorkshire water £37m for dumping piles of **** into our rivers and gives them permission to raise our prices so that we, the victims, pay the fine. It screams corruption to me
The bonkers thing is that Yorkshire water gets to keep their own fine to spend on improving their own network