It’s always same mate, those who abide by the rules end up with **** end of the stick and that goes for the EFL
sorry don’t follow your logic, everything I have read is that any easing would be minimal,and the lockdown is still in force anyway. IMHO the people to blame would largely be the pill.ocks who are breaking the rules, end of
Worse than that is everywhere is telling people to have a 'stay home street party' which is just encouraging this behaviour. In my opinion all celebrations for today should have been cancelled, no fly pasts, no red arrows etc just a two minute silence. It's not like we won't have another opportunity to celebrate the end of the war in September is it
that’s ignoring the fact that loads of people have managed it and kept their distance. Again only folk to blame are those who think rules are for other folk
Top end of our street they are all out in force, supping ale, sharing sarnies, singing, playing games. Appear to be " demob" happy. Absolute brain dead loons.
They call it 'lockdown' , but in reality it's been anything but. Get yourself out mate, it seems everyone else is. Those telling us us to stay at home are usually still in full time employment and hardly affected.
By full time you mean like the nurses and ICU staff, who are giving it their all to save folk, even the selfish barstewards .
Straight out of the Dominic Cummings playbook. A half-arsed lockdown with sufficient loopholes to allow gradual erosion by a cast of a thousand idiots, driven on by speculative press reports, a bank holiday, and a bit of sunny weather. If there's another spike in numbers in a few weeks, we might as well chalk **** on it. We still have Spring Bank weekend to get through. Herd immunity, here we come, with a ****ed up NHS thrown in for good measure.
I think that’s because those who are still in work are seeing how easy it is to spread it when you’re around other people. I’ve been having to go into work on a rota and if anyone there had it I’ll have got it in 2 seconds flat. I face another 4/5 days wait now to see if symptoms develop in myself or my husband who I may have unknowingly given it to. I feel it bit like a ticking time bomb (even though I know I’d most likely be fine if I did get it). It’s extremely stressful going to work knowing you could catch or spread a deadly disease and I wish people who can would stay the f*ck at home so we can all get back to normal. *It didn’t help the fact that on the second day one of my colleagues told us all about the lovely time she’d had the day before when her and all her siblings (5 of them) plus their partners went around to her parents’ house.
This. The official line is lockdown continues but the stories being fed to the press are designed to undermine it. All to try and engineer a change in public opinion whilst ensuring the government avoids any culpability for any second spike by being able to point to the official line.
FFS just heard the twits down the road all do a toast "to furlough" the mind boggles. Time to shut the windows!
I can understand that toast. Without furlough my staff may well lose their jobs. I might lose my business. Many others definitely would. It's got a ring of humour to it. Can't see the harm.
Maybe I'm just grumpy. I genuinely hope everyone furloughed is still in a job by Christmas but I have my doubts.
He's right. The media made it appear earlier in the week, that there would be a bigger easing of the lockdown than is actually going to happen. The government should have nipped it in the bud sooner.
and yet folk make excuses for them, confusion in rules etc , no there isn’t the rule is clear stay the fk at home unless it’s essential, makes my blood boil.
again, don’t get it.There were clear messages to avoid people over the bank holiday and that nothing would change until at least Sunday. Folk round here seem to have grasped it
The worse thing is all these fukwits have got away with it tonight so won't think twice about doing tomorrow too and the day after and so on and so on because that's how their twisted logic works, thing is most have no feelings about what they are having these parties for its just an excuse to party and get pissed
If you give people the impression that things are going to change in a couple of days time, it's human nature that they will think it doesn't matter any more.
I think there's a significant proportion of the British population that are unable to function without a neckfull of ale down em.