That is sadly a lot truer than people understand. The amount of people who are alcoholics in denial is crazy
I'm not condoning any of this behaviour. But I can see the government rubbing their hands as they see folk turning on each other.
I read that with a mouthful of cookie. I could quite happily eat cakes and biscuits until I was physically sick. And then carry on
Daughter in law made broken biscuit cake this aft. Two full bars of chocolate and condensed milk in it. Feels like i've swallowed a five pound weight!
Exactly - the lockdown expires Thursday but rather than come out and say anything on Thursday its all about a 'plan' that will be revealed by Bojo on Sunday. If the government had wanted people to take things seriously there's no reason Boris couldn't have stood up and make an announcement yesterday.
Can’t believe how many folk are coming up with any old excuse for theirs or others selfish behaviour. Hope to fk none of you have to watch your nearest and dearest die a very horrible death as caused by Cocid, Because I tell you this it is fking traumatic and will haunt you for a long time!
I don't think anyone is coming up with an excuse. I certainly don't think there's any excuse for holding a street party however I do think that the mixed messages this week will be a cause of them. Not an excuse but a reason. People are idiots and need to be given the absolute clearest information possible and stay home street party is about as confusing as it can get for an idiot.
sorry but I obviously feel very passionately or sensitively about this, it’s not a none event, yes obviously you might Get the mild symptoms but god help anybody and their family who get the worst ones.I wouldn’t wish that on anybody, and yet some seem to think.....aaargh
We’re heading for the biggest recession in history. Once the government subsidies have dried up, there will be huge job losses