I said it at the time but I think it bears repeating: Government advice as the pandemic took hold was for UK residents who were abroad to return to the UK as soon as possible. I still don't see what was achieved by that policy and, uneasy though it made me to arguably flout the rules, I opted to follow their other, contradictory advice to avoid non-essential travel. Actively compelling people to travel during a pandemic made no sense to me then and in hindsight it surely exacerbated the situation, particularly given the inexplicable absence of quarantine measures.
If our government take notice of the covid free idea then it won't be long until we are like South Korea with people no longer putting up with it.
Great to see the number decreasing daily. Saw this poster and I wonder how many will turn up and if the press will actually report about it.......
Officially 2 people died yesterday from COVID. Another 90 deaths were linked to people who lived more than 28 days since their positive test. Numbers of cases are increasing in the UK from ~5-600/day (July 10-17) to ~1000-1100/day (August 10-17). Either we have got twice as good at finding people with COVID which is unlikely given the failures of test & trace, or the underlying R rate in the country is 1.1-1.2, and schools are expected to open in 3 weeks. Current numbers of low hospitals admissions are believed to be due to younger people infected and is thought to follow a similar pattern to that in the UK in January and February before we had a working test program. Spain, Florida and others followed a similar pattern 3-4 weeks ago before it hit a critical number and spread into the more vulnerable population. DNA mapping of the virus strains in circulation in the UK show no significant difference between now and March, and given the number of strains circulating the changes that simultaneous mutation in all of them to be less harmful is very slim. The protests in South Korea are organized by Christian groups (among others) upset about the cancellation of religious events to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the end of the Korean War. The religious events were cancelled after 300 cases in a new outbreak were traced back to a church. Don't get me wrong, I want it to be over and life to return to relatively normal. I want to be wrong about this, I don't want people to suffer and die unnecessarily. I don't want the economy to collapse and people to lose their jobs. But I also want a million pounds in a Swiss bank account and a couple of supermodels waiting in my bed, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon either.
And just to make things worse, paper published today proving reinfection with two different strains of COVID. A 33-year old woman who had COVID in March was reinfected after a trip to Spain with a different strain of the virus.
Was chatting to a couple of friends yesterday. One a medic who says that of 11 cases at Sheffield Children’s Hospital, 9 were asymptomatic - 10 had attended for other reasons. The other works in life insurance. Says that virtually every death since March has been put down to covid, even when other illnesses (e.g. chronic lung disease) were known about. It negates the widows/ widowers payout. Families are losing out on insurance money.
Just because deaths and hospital intake have dropped doesn't mean things should go back to normal. Check out www.longcovid.org There are thousands of people who now have underlying medical issues. Folk who were healthy, easily fought off influenza and other viruses in the past now need daily support and treatment. I'm now asthmatic, I need to take my inhaler daily. I'm seriously worried about a 2nd wave and the winter. I find it extremely condescending when folk say let's get back to normal and that you need to live and stop listening to medical advice. The economy is ****** for many reasons, mainly due to bad governance I'll leave the politics of it for another day. I'll say again this isn't the ******* flu, this kills and injures and changes people's lives.
Even if we had done all that we still wouldn’t be COVID free. Unless you can rely on 100% compliance to lockdown measures for a sustained period of time you will not eradicate it. Even if you eradicate it you would need 100% compliance of quarantine measures or you will get reimportation of cases. Neither are possible even with a 100% effective track and trace system because we’re not a police state. Pursuing a COVID free strategy would not only be futile but incredibly damaging. We have to look to other ways of managing it until there’s a vaccine.
Don’t think anyone on this thread is saying go back to normal. It’s a debate about how you best manage it until there’s a vaccine, and it’s pursuing a policy of complete eradication that people are opposed to.
Not doubting those statistic mate but it needs pointing out that Not 1 apart from covid. Is Transferable by human contact.
If the news about the Hong Kong University reporting reinfection is true - which suggests that immunity is time-limited, then it probably rules out vaccination unless you can produce upwards of 7 billion and get through everyone worldwide in a couple of months...
We could have potentially got us in the position that New Zealand have arrived at where they will of course get outbreaks but are able to react quickly to them to limit cases and economic damage or indeed closer to home and with a greater population mass Germany who again reacted strongly and were able to bounce back more quickly and with les fatalities. In terms of strategy zero Covid may not be achievable but if you get as close as you can then your economy and the health of your nation will be as good as they can be. Unfortunately we have a govt who have no strategy and who just react to events often making the wrong policy on the hoof.
I bet nobody knew they had it. On the otherhand plenty of positive stories have come out today such as the hope of testing 4 million a day which should mean everyone in the country should get a test once a fortnight..... https://metro.co.uk/2020/08/22/oper...llions-people-coronavirus-every-day-13163264/ A cheap high blood pressure drug boosts survival rates...... https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-08/uoea-bpm082020.php No death as of yet has been registered for last Wednesday which makes it our first Covid free day...... The rolling average for deaths is down to a handful for the first time....
Hope they do. The police will be powerless. Or riots will occur. But it wants highlighting to the people protesting of their irresponsible attitude “I’m not wearing masks or social distancing” . ( is it too much to ask.) The vulnerable have lives to live also, or are they to stay locked up. As lots on here would be happy to condone. Selfish in the extreme. Why not err on the side of caution to allow us all to go tut pub/match etc. Without having to resort to arguments. I agree fear is being pushed but I’ve not been given evidence that wearing masks and social distancing are not effective. Q When have cases risen dramatically. ? A. When big groups are meeting up and ignoring guidelines. Wombwell is my nearest town for a night out. But it’s obvious spikes will rise given people’s attitudes. (Probably the busiest place outside of the Tarn) . If landlords don’t put proper procedures in place I can see em being forced to close. Then none of the selfish and those willing to follow guidelines will have anywhere to go . Re the Rally Just another excuse for some idiots to raise the point with little or no knowledge of what their actions might achieve so are just there to cause havoc. If anyone thinks that everyone attending have the same agenda. Dream on . Anyone think this will proceed peacefully? . I hope so. But fear not.